Pharmacy Geoff :: Infections :: MyHep (Sofosbuvir) - 400mg (28 Tablets)

MyHep (Sofosbuvir) - 400mg (28 Tablets)

MyHep (Sofosbuvir) - 400mg (28 Tablets)

MyHep (Sofosbuvir) - 400mg (28 Tablets)
Brand Name: MyHep
Generic Name: Sofosbuvir
Form: Tablets
Manufacturer: Mylan

What is MyHep?
MyHep (Sofosbuvir) is prescribed for the treatment of Hepatitis C in adults. It is used with other medications, usually ribavirin and pegylated interferon, in combination with sofosbuvir. Sufosbuvir is used in treatment of genotypes 1, 2, 3, and 4 of Hepatitis C.

How is MyHep used?
MyHep (Sofosbuvir) should be taken for a period of 12 weeks to 24 weeks unless otherwise advised by your doctor. Other HCV treatments being taken with sufosbuvir should be taken for the same length of time. It is better to take the medicines together the same time each day. You can take MyHep in the morning (to reduce insomnia) and to take it with food (to reduce nausea).

Your weight and the genotype of Hepatitis C Virus that has been contracted will contribute to what your dosage will be. Only take the dosage that has been prescribed by your doctor. Do not adjust the dosage up or down by yourself. Your doctor will advise you if you need to adjust your dosage based on testing. Commonly, a starting dose of 400 mg per day is prescribed. This may be increased to 600 mg per day depending on how the treatment is progressing.

Adverse effects
MyHep (Sofosbuvir) is well tolerated by most pateints who take it. Nausea and insomnia can be a problem early in the treatment schedule. You can reduce the severity of these side effects by taking MyHep with food and taking your dose in the morning.

Sofosbuvir has been linked with reduced red blood cell count. Regular blood tests may be needed to make sure that these levels remain within safe limits.

Liver function can be affected by taking MyHep (Sofosbuvir). Any patients with a history of pre-existing liver problems should not use this Sofosbuvir. Liver function tests should be taken on a regular basis while treating Hepatitis C with Sofosbuvir.

If Sofosbuvir causes severe reactions such as diarrhea, shortness of breath or heart rate changes, let your doctor know immediately.

Tell your doctor about any prescription medications, over-the-counter medications, herbal treatments or nutritional supplements you are taking. These can interact with sofobuvir and make it more or less potent.

Do not take Sofosbuvir if you are pregnant or trying to become pregnant. Sofosbuvir can result in birth defects, damage to the fetus, or early termination of pregnancy. It is recommended to use mulitple forms of contraception to prevent pregnancy while taking this medication and for 6 months after treatment ends, as it is vital you do not become pregnant while you or your partner are taking sufosbuvir.

Sofosbuvir can cause sever diarrhea in some cases. In you experience this, be sure to maintain your fluid intake to sufficient levels to prevent dehydration.

SKU 20150527150222
Our price: $840.00

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MyHep (Sofosbuvir) - 400mg (28 Tablets)