Pharmacy Geoff :: Allergies :: Pascorbin (Ascorbic Acid) - 7.5g/50mL

Pascorbin (Ascorbic Acid) - 7.5g/50mL

Pascorbin (Ascorbic Acid) - 7.5g/50mL

Pascorbin (Ascorbic Acid) - 7.5g/50mL
Brand Name: Pascorbin
Generic Name: Ascorbic Acid
Form: Injection
Manufacturer: Pascoe

What is Pascorbin?
Pascorbin is a high-dose form of Vitamin C (also known as ascorbic acid). Pascorbin can be used by people suffering from Vitamin C deficiency where oral vitamin C will be insufficient. High-dose, injectable Vitamin C is also being used in Germany as part of a treatment plan for cancer patients. It has positive results in quality of life surveys, and has been shown to selectively destroy cancer cells in vitro within a laboratory situation.

How is Pascorbin used?
Vitamin C plays an important role in many of your body's systems including:

  • bone
  • kidneys
  • heart
  • brain
  • liver
  • blood vessels
  • eyes
  • immune system
  • muscles

When you are Vitamin C deficient the health of these systems can be compromised. High-dose, injectable ascorbic acid is much better at treating vitamin C deficiency that oral vitamin C.

Recent studies suggest that Ascorbic Acid injections can have positive impacts on cancer patients. Results of studies have shown two positive outcomes:

  • People have responded with higher responses on questions regarding quality of life factors when taking ascorbic acid
  • High concentrations of ascorbic acid have been seen selectively kill cancer cells in laboratory situations
SKU 20161011145703
Our price: $23.10

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Pascorbin (Ascorbic Acid) - 7.5g/50mL