Pharmacy Geoff :: General Health

General Health

Everyone knows about the importance of a healthy diet and making sure that you get enough vitamins and minerals in your diet. In this category, there is a selection of vitamins for men and women to make sure that you dietary intake is right, and also tre


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Aquazide-12.5 (Hydrochlorothiazide) - 12.5mg (10 Tablets)
Aquazide can help prevent fluid retention by causing the kidney to get rid of excess salt and water through urine. The tablets can be used to treat high blood pressure (hypertension) and fluid retention (edema) caused by conditions such as heart failure, liver disease or kidney disease. Lowering high blood pressure can help prevent strokes, heart attacks and kidney problems.

Our price: $3.15
Quantity Price
10-19 Items $3.05
20-39 Items $2.89
40+ Items $2.73
Market price: $4.00 save 21%
Doxacard (Doxazosin) - 1mg (10 Tablets)
Doxacard can help relax the arteries and veins so blood can flow more easily through the body. It can also help relax the muscles in the prostate to treat difficult or painful urination and urinary frequency and urgency. The tablet is used alone or along with other medication to treat hypertension and benign prostatic hyperplasia (enlarged prostate).

Our price: $3.15
Quantity Price
10-19 Items $2.94
20-39 Items $2.73
40+ Items $2.42
Market price: $4.50 save 30%
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Imodium (Loperamide Hydrochloride) - 2mg (4 Capsules)
Imodium containing the active ingredient loperamide hydrochloride is considered an antimotility type of medication. It is used to treat acute diarrhea and diarrhea associated with irritable bowel syndrome. It works by slowing the rhythm of digestion so the small intestines have more time to absorb fluid and nutrients from food. The capsule is used to treat diarrhea but cannot be used to treat the cause of the diarrhea.

Our price: $3.15
Quantity Price
10-19 Items $2.94
20+ Items $2.73
Tenormin (Atenolol) - 25mg (14 Tablets)
Tenormin works by relaxing blood vessels and slowing the heart rate to improve blood flow as well as lowering blood pressure and strain on the heart. The active ingredient atenolol is considered a beta blocker type of medication. The drug can be used alone or along with other medicines to treat hypertension (high blood pressure), angina (chest pain) and to improve the chance of survival after a heart attack.

Our price: $3.13
Quantity Price
10-19 Items $3.07
20-29 Items $3.00
30-39 Items $2.93
40+ Items $2.86
Gravol 50 (Dimenhydrinate) – 50mg (10 Tablets)
Gravol helps alleviate the symptoms of motion sickness such as vertigo, vomiting, dizziness, and nausea. It is an antihistamine that affects chemicals in the inner ear in order to maintain sense of balance.

Our price: $2.94
Panadol (Paracetamol) - 500mg (24 Tablets) (Turkey)
Panadol (Paracetamol) is an antipyretic and analgesic agent. Its mechanism of action is based on blocking cyclooxygenase (COX) 1 and 2, primarily in the central division of the nervous system. It affects the centers of the heat regulating and pain centers.

Our price: $2.94
Acamprol (Acamprosate) - 333mg (6 Tablets)
Acamprol containing the active ingredient acamprosate is used along with counseling and social support to help maintain abstinence in people who have successfully overcome drinking problems. It works by restoring the natural balance of chemicals in the brain and maintaining mental balance.

Our price: $2.73
Novalgin (Analgin) - 500mg (10 Tablets)
Novalgin containing the active ingredient analgin is considered an analgesic and antipyretic type of medication. It is mainly used to treat severe or resistant pain and fever. Some patients will use it to treat conditions such as headaches, toothaches, myositis, neuralgia, arthralgia and visceral pain.

Our price: $2.73
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Brufen-400 (Ibuprofen) - 400mg (15 Tablets)
Brufen-400 work by reducing hormones that cause inflammation to help decrease swelling, pain or fevers. The medication is used to reduce fever, pain or inflammation caused by headaches, dental pain, menstrual cramps, muscle aches or osteoarthritis. Some people may also use it to treat the common cold or flu like symptoms.

Our price: $2.63
Quantity Price
10-19 Items $2.10
20-29 Items $1.84
30+ Items $1.58
Carloc 6.25 (Carvedilol BP) - 6.25mg (10 Tablets)
Carloc is usually used to treat chronic heart failure and hypertension (high blood pressure). The active ingredient carvedilol is considered a beta blocker that works by slowing the heart rate and relaxing blood vessels to help the heart pump more efficiently and smoothly. Some patients with a history of heart attacks may also use the medication to improve the chance of survival if the heart is not pumping well.

Our price: $2.63
Quantity Price
5+ Items $2.31
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